Saturday, December 02, 2006

Brief speech by Dean

About 8-9 minutes, just the facts from Dean as he recapped the on-the-ground approach that the DNC is crediting with shifting the balance of congressional power last month.

He talked about how Democrats went out and won in places in which they've seldom won before. But with new power comes new responsibility, he said.

"Our biggest challenge now," he said, is Democrats will be judged on "what we do, not what we say."

More quick hits:

--Dean is "hoping to catch a ticket" to the historic swearing-in of Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), the first female Speaker of the House. Much applause ensues.

--The mid-term results will spur Republicans to pay closer attention to districts and races they once took for granted. "We have a long way to go," he said.

--Dems need results, Dean says. Elections "loan a party power for two years," Dean says. "We have to earn it back in 2008." He also warned that "the going will be harder than the campaign."

--Dean is proudest of the strides the party made with "faith voters."

Tim Walz (Minn.) and Nancy Boyda (Kansas), two new Democratic reps who say they directly benefited from Dean's 50-state strategy, are up next.


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